Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bronze league players, yes, it gets better!!! But....

...it really depends more on your attitude than anything else.  Let me explain why.

So you've been pwning face in Arena and Conquest and Assault and figure that this game is just too easy.  I'm going to hop in and try league, how hard can it be?  You then proceed to feed your lane and lose 8 of the 10 qualifying matches and find yourself in Bronze IV.  You rage at your jungle for not ganking, you rage at your support for not saving you, you rage at everyone for being bad, all in bold face type (because you aren't in Curse Voice).  If you've ever seen a soccer game of 7 year olds running after the ball in a big clump, well, that's you.  Ask any of those kids how well they played and they will tell you that they are going to grow up to be professional soccer players.  All they know is that they can kick the ball well, and that they feel that is all that is necessary to be an amazing soccer player.  By the time those kids hit 9 years old they start to realize that they need a whole lot more than just to kick the ball, there is positioning and teamwork and strategy.

I'm not saying you are 7 years old, just that the effect is the same.  There is actually a name for it, the Dunning-Kruger effect.  Its actually a psychological trick that gives us a whole lot of undeserved over-confidence when we first start learning something new.  If you've ever been in a game where you've been blamed for the loss, it may not have been you, it may just have been the others looking for a scapegoat because in their mind it sure wasn't them that lost the game.

When moving from casual to league many people have this confidence in their ability to play the game that is a bit inflated, due to the fact that casual play is generally more about landing abilities and hitting buttons and very little about teamwork and strategy.  To be successful in ranked it takes a lot of teamwork and strategy as well as hitting abilities.  The ability to get into Curse and work with 4 strangers that you have probably never worked with before is a skill in itself that often needs a whole lot of work at first.

So how do you make things easier on yourself and increase your chances when you first start?  Realize that ranked is a whole new ball game.  Realize that you will have a lot to learn and that there may be other players that aren't as good as you and many that are better than you.  Find the good ones and follow their lead.  Find the less experienced ones and instruct them politely instead of berating them.

Once you make it out of Bronze league you will start to see more people in curse, more people in the right place at the right time, and a whole lot less dc's and rage quits.  For every game that goes badly, focus on your own performance and what you could have done better.  Focusing on what other people could have done better, beyond a friendly reminder here and there, will not help you achieve your own goals of climbing the ranked ladder.

Thanks for reading and good luck!

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