Friday, October 3, 2014

Changes to the Meta, popular gods.

So for the last week, I've been keeping an eye on a little site called  It doesn't seem to be maintained any longer, however, it doesn't really need to be.  All it does is pull data directly from HiRez's API and parse it into neat charts.  One of these charts shows the data for the last 1000 matches of the top 500 players in league, which comes out to about the last 12 hours.  You can even sort by most wins, by god, and click right on the gods to see the builds that are popular.

Using that I've modified my first meta list with the following update based on this site and the win ratio of the most played gods:

First pick supports: Geb, Athena
First pick junglers:  Loki, Arachne
First pick adcs:  Apollo, Rama
First pick mids:  Janus, Nu Wa, Vulcan, Ra
First pick solos:  Nu Wa, Zhong Kui, Ra

First pick Multi Role: Freya (Jungle, Solo, ADC)

Second pick supports:  Odin, Ares
Second pick junglers:  Thor, Mercury, Nemesis, Thanatos
Second pick adcs:  Ullr, Neith, An hur, Loki
Second pick mids:  Poseidon, Scylla, Kukulkan
Second pick solos:  Hercules, Vamana, He Bo, Chaac, Guan Yu

So let's take a look at the changes from our last list and why each god seems to be becoming meta. With the nerf to mercury, Loki is being played more in the adc and solo land as well as jungle.  He is the king of burst and retreat and his kit really says it all.  You build him full glass and never engage in the middle of a team fight.  Patience is key with this god.

Arachne has come back strong after her re-kit.  I actually haven't seen her much in league as she has been banned out consistently.  The few times I have seen her, her ultimate was really scary.  She's the new hotness and people don't know the counter picks and plays yet so she will be strong probably through to the next patch.

Rama.  Rama has great lane clear, and great boxing potential with the slow, and he can kill secure with his ultimate.  Nothing not to love here.  Works well against Apollo which is by far the winningest god.

Vulcan.  I must confess to being confused as to why this god has such a high win rate.  He's usually found in mid and of all the mid laners, he's the least mobile.  My thought is here that he combos well off of Ymir, Ares, Thor, and Thanatos.  It could also be that he's been out of the meta so long that people aren't that familiar with the counter picks and plays.  That and the mini raid-boss turret.

Odin has been found to be strong after his rebuild.  Most of the downsides to his ring ultimate were removed and generally is being used in the support role, and he just barely edges out Ymir in plays and win percentage.

Ares is seeing a resurgence as he and his chains are strong against Apollo, Rama and Athena, all top picks.  An Ares pick also forces beads as the second item for your opponents.  He also is the top damage guardian besides Hades, which is usually found in the solo lane building for damage.

Thanatos has also made it to the list with the heavy hammer build.  With the nerf to heavy hammer, people are still playing Thanatos as he can be dominating in the beginning, but it is important to understand that his damage does fall off in late game.

An hur is strong versus Apollo as his knockback negates the aggressive dash, and Apollo is see a high amount of play.

He Bo is seeing a resurgence due to a lot of play in the SPL, but his win ratio really doesn't support him being used.  I think his win ratio is only bad because some are trying to use him in mid and he's really a solo god.

Guan Yu is seeing more play with his buffs and some good showings in SPL but he also belongs in solo lane, not the support role.  Again I believe this is bringing down his win ratio.

So, to finish up.  This is my interpretation of the data from SmiteRepo which I've been watching intently since the patch.  I would love to see some longer periods or a little more granular control on the periods that you want to look at, but already I've found a few things that were really surprising, A few things are the really high win ratio of Freya and Ares and the cementing of Apollo as the first pick hunter by a large margin.

Thanks for reading, I'm still working on the mid mage guide, but I keep getting distracted.

Remember, don't feed!

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