Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How to move up and out of Bronze league....

This is for all the folks out there that feel that they are stuck in Bronze league and that it is everyone else's fault that they can't get promoted out of Bronze league.  Guess what?  You are probably wrong, and it is probably, at least in part, your fault that you are stuck in Bronze league.  There are many things that you can do that affect the outcome of a match that have absolutely nothing to do with pushing buttons at the right time.

So let's start with the first list of Do's and Don't's.  This list is things you need to do before going into league.


  1. Pick two roles that you enjoy and have a 3rd ready just in case, one of these 3 should be support, someone will always get "stuck" as support and have no idea how to do it.
  2. Pick two gods for each role and practice them in casual until you get them to at least mastery III.  If you aren't sure which gods are your best you can look up your win rate per god in casual or league here:  http://smite.guru/
  3. Understand each of your chosen six gods abilities and passives.  Passives are extremely important and will affect how you play the god!
  4. Have a build ready for each of your six chosen gods complete with optional items for situational use.
  5. Have an understanding of your roles responsibilities, mid needs to rotate, adc/solo need to farm lane, support needs to ward, jungle needs to drop buffs then gank, etc.
  6. Install curse, set up keybinding for push to talk, test with friends to make sure you aren't too quiet or loud.
  7. Make sure your computer is clean of viruses using free tools like AVG Antivirus and Malwarebytes.  If your internet cuts out on you regularly reset your modem/router before beginning a play session.  Make sure that no one on the network is running torrents or if they are they have the max connections/upload speed set appropriately.
  1. Join league queue when you know your internet/computer is unstable.
  2. Join league queue without Curse, a microphone is not necessary, but it is helpful.
  3. Join league queue if you know you will be interrupted by real world concerns or you don't have an hour to devote to a game.
  4. Assume you will always get to play your favorite role.
  5. Join league queue if you don't work well with others. ;)
Here's a list of Do's and Don'ts for the Lobby:

  1. Say hi to your new teammates.
  2. Declare your two favorite roles and god preferences, "Mid/Supp pref, Janus/Ymir"
  3. Be willing to work with others that may only have one role they can play.  Putting someone in a position to fail will not increase your win rate.
  4. Realize that the further towards the top of the pick order you are, gives you more choice, the closer to the bottom you are the more you have to work with others to figure out roles.
  5. Realize that there will be trolls, practice patience.
  1. Rage/troll/bm when you don't get your favorite role.
  2. Confuse people by trolling.  This can be amusing but can also lead to double adc's or double supports by accident.
  3. Insult people.
  4. Rage at people you recognize from previous losses.  Each game is different and sometimes a bad start in a game will just snowball and make someone seem much worse of a player than they actually are.
List of in-game Do's and Don't's:

  1. Call missing over VGS or Curse.
  2. Do call movements, especially if you see a jungle or support in your lane.
  3. Call for help if you are being focused.
  4. Call when you are invading buffs so that your team can back you up.
  5. Share XP with support and jungle at every opportunity.
  6. Get wards and use them.  No role is immune to getting wards, you should never leave base without at least 1 ward in your inventory.
  7. Be willing to cover for other people.
  8. Call for retreat if you feel your teammates are overextended.
  9. Call for Gold Fury/Fire Giant/Tower Rush if you feel you have a numbers advantage.
  10. Pay attention the the map, and the health/mana bars of your teammates.
  1. Feed the other team.
  2. Rage at your team.
  3. Tell people how to play their characters in the heat of the moment.  You can certainly offer advise or discuss during farming phases.
  4. Surrender.  This is league, grow a pair.
  5. Wander looking for fights, this is league, players are just obstacles in the way of objectives, not targets.  If they aren't in your way, you shouldn't be chasing.
  6. Hate.  You can certainly dislike someone, but try to keep it to yourselves, letting them know you don't like them will not increase your win rate, at all, ever.
  7. Rage back at ragers.  It just gets ugly, and you'll just have to wash the spit off your monitor later.
You may have read all of this and been, "This has almost nothing to do with playing the game."  Very true, a lot of it is just tricks to working with others, optimizing your computer/attitude for success, focusing your talents on a small god pool, and mitigating the damage bad players will do.  The more people that you can work with, the more stable your computer, the more less experienced players that you can help, the more wins you will get and the faster you will be out of Bronze league.

Good luck and don't feed!

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